11 Feb 2016

Heather Dillon Success Story

Student Success Story

Tell us a Bit About Yourself.

Hi, my name is Heather, and after being a member of gyms for 12 years, I decided to put my passion for fitness to good use and wanted to share my knowledge with others to help them be able to feel great about themselves through lifestyle choices.

What Course did you Study? Which Gym did you Have Your Face-to-Face Practical Assessments in?

I did my course through AIPT and Goodlife Health Clubs. The course was easy to follow and convenient by being able to do a lot of it online and workshops at Goodlife Health Clubs. All the staff were always on hand if you had any questions. The practical aspect was also great, so you could actively use your knowledge. By the end of my course, I was offered a job at Goodlife Health Clubs Chermside, and the opportunities are endless depending on where you would like to take your career. 

What Would you Say to People who are Considering Taking the Leap Into a Career in Fitness?

There are not a lot of jobs where you can go on a journey with a client to reach their goals and potential and get just as excited for them when they reach them. The risk for me leaving my retail career, which I had for 19 years (in different fields) was the unfamiliar aspect of doing something different, and I'm so very glad I did. I would definitely recommend taking the leap and doing your course through AIPT. I've not looked back since.

My motto is 'Fitness should not be your destination; it should be your WAY of life.'

Interested in becoming a Personal Trainer? Pursue your dream career with our Complete Personal Training Course. Enquire now, and one of our friendly Careers Advisors will be in contact with you soon!

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Male trainer with arms crossed inside a gym