07 Apr 2017
As somebody’s Personal Exercise Trainer, you need to provide them with motivation at every session. Here’s the best way to go about that.
Once you’re a certified Personal Trainer, you’ll need to start building up a client base, and a loyal one at that.
In order to keep your clients coming back for more, you’ll need to be able to strike a balance as a gym instructor between enthusiastic encouragement and sergeant major-style abuse!
Of course, fitness program clients vary enormously, and some will respond better to a punishing regime than others, so that’s something you’ll need to assess on meeting them (and discuss with them for clarity!).
Learn how to be encouraging without putting people off:
Check out our 5 top tips for Personal Trainers to motivate, inspire and succeed.
Dangle the carrot – offer suggestions of how sustaining their exhausting fitness program will enable them to fit into that outfit they’ve been dying to wear, compete in that Ironman or go back to the doctor with some positive results. Find out their key incentive before you even begin and keep reminding them of it.
Lead by example and command respect – your body trainer client’s more likely to respect you (and therefore do what you tell them) if they can see you’re no slouch yourself. Occasionally join in with some of the reps and see immediate appreciative results.
Tell them they’re amazing – pump that self-esteem while they’re pumping iron! Positive encouragement is very often the way to go, because who doesn’t love to hear good things about themselves?
Appeal to their conscience – without going over the top, making someone feel a bit guilty about stopping can really inspire them to push onwards in their fitness training.
Be realistic (and flexible if necessary) with goals – if a client’s continually struggling to hit the targets you’ve set, it’s better to revise them down a little so they can feel the boost of hitting them.
Bear these hints in mind when you’re training your future gym bunnies and you’ll have a queue out the door in no time!
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