05 Sep 2023

Jamie-Lee Verster Success Story

Student Success Story

Tell us a Bit About Yourself.

Hi, I’m Jamie, 25 years old, born and raised in South Africa.

At 16, my mum and I moved to Mackay to join the rest of my family. It was a huge adjustment and, as you can imagine, culture shock, but I'm so proud to call Australia my home now.

I live with my partner in Brisbane, and we are both pursuing our own businesses. In our spare time, we love to travel, camp, hike and go to metal concerts. 

Jamie-Lee Verster

What Made you Decide to Pursue a Career in Fitness?

I remember going through a time when I felt pretty lonely and lacked purpose. I knew that I wanted to be in a career that allowed me to help people based on my experiences, at the time, that looked like nursing or psychology. 

My fitness journey started at a small all women's boot camp in Mackay, where I found a new love of seeing what my body is capable of and surrounding myself with other like-minded women. I remember feeling powerful and confident in myself and what I was capable of both in fitness and out. I knew that if I felt this way, others could too, and I wanted to share that.

What Course did you Study? Which Gym did you Have your Face-to-Face Practical Assessments?

I studied my Certificate III and IV in Fitness and did most practical assessments at Facilities Fitness in Newstead and some at Grip and Grit with my mentor Sarah White. I loved that she encouraged me to spend some time at multiple facilities and with trainers who have had all different walks in their careers.

Why did you Choose to Study with AIPT?

I really wanted some sort of in-person training or to be able to spend time with professionals in the industry, and AIPT gives you the option to have a mentor. I chose Sarah as my mentor, and she is now not only someone I would consider a friend but someone I greatly look up to in the fitness industry. I'm really glad that I chose to study with AIPT.

Jamie-Lee Verster

What are Your Plans for the Future?

I am currently working as a PT at FitazFK in Kangaroo Point, Brisbane. My greatest focus is building my clientele and continuing to grow as a PT. I am currently also working on offering corporate packages for small groups, as I love group training. Long term, I hope to be able to offer multi-day fitness retreats all over the world.

What Would you say to People who are Considering Taking the Leap Into a Career in Fitness?

Changing your path can be scary, but life is too short to wonder what if. You will meet some of the greatest and highest achievers in this industry that will create the greatest impact on your life in the most positive way. 

Interested in becoming a Personal Trainer? Pursue your dream career with our Complete Personal Training Course. Enquire now, and one of our friendly Careers Advisors will be in contact with you soon!

Get in touch with AIPT today.

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Male trainer with arms crossed inside a gym