30 Jun 2021

Our New Partnership with FILEX: What’s in it for You

Personal training

This month, we joined forces with FILEX—Australia’s leading provider of fitness education events and expos.

For all past, present and future students at the Australian Institute of Personal Trainers (AIPT), this is good news. Here we step through why we’re so excited about this new strategic partnership and how aligning with FILEX can benefit you.

Education gives you the edge

For aspiring fitness instructors and personal trainers, as well as those in established careers, education can set you apart from your peers. It’s not just about staying up to date with the most recent developments (although that’s important too!) it’s about having a strong knowledge base to build from. This solid foundation then provides you with valuable expertise around health, fitness, nutrition, communication and working with people, and enables you to give your clients the best training possible. Our partnership with FILEX gives us a great opportunity to support you as industry professionals, and offer ongoing education to boost your knowledge even further.

12-month FILEX membership

Our new partnership includes a twelve-month complimentary FILEX Premium Membership valued at $269 for AIPT students and graduates, helping you become part of a cohort of the most well-rounded, passionate and knowledgeable personal trainers in the world.

Lance Williams, our General Manager, believes AIPT and FILEX share similar goals: “...both companies are equally aligned in the relentless pursuit to continually improve the standard of education for all fitness industry professionals and associated businesses.” Williams continues, “Through this partnership, AIPT looks forward in supporting the next wave of fitness professionals that will undoubtedly require a wider range of skills and experiences to prosper within an ever-changing industry.”

Keeping up to date with industry trends

As well as helping you build on your knowledge base, our new partnership with FILEX will help you stay relevant too. FILEX prides itself on keeping members and delegates at the forefront of professional development and privy to industry insights across all of Australasia.

Networking opportunities and business development

This partnership will also offer you the chance to surround yourself with like-minded individuals, to immerse yourself in the world of fitness, to make the most of the many networking opportunities and to get all the support you need.

Anthony Reed, General Manager of FILEX, says his organisation—like AIPT—believes in making things easier for personal trainers. “Personal Trainers have one of the most rewarding but one of the toughest jobs around. Many are running their own business, they have to service specific client needs, they have to promote themselves and they are expected to stay up-to-date with the latest in fitness, programming and often working with a broad scope of clients,” Reed says. “Both AIPT and FILEX are determined to remove some of the challenges and barriers for PTs who simply want to be better at what they do.”

Flexible learning, connection and convenience

At AIPT, we’ve long understood the value of combining face-to-face education with online tuition, offering multiple flexible learning options. This flexibility and convenience will be further enhanced thanks to our FILEX partnership—in 2021, FILEX held its third Virtual Summit and continues its online education offering via fortnightly masterclasses for its members.

If you’re an AIPT student or graduate, register for your FREE FILEX Premium Membership now! Or, to get qualified in fitness, contact us today for a free consultation with an AIPT Careers Advisor.

AIPT staff talking

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